Welcome to Dominican International School - Home of the D'ZNUTS!
Dominicans aim to be:
- Z - zygomorphic!
- N - nearsighted!
- U - urban!
- T - tangible!
- S - savoury!
Who are you?
We are big fans of Dominican International School. We admire the D'TORCH and we decided to create our own improved version - the D'ZNUTS - to finish the great and good task DIS has started. We believe that this new and improved version is equally as valid and equally as significant sd the D'TORCH since they were both products of brilliant minds who made them up in an amazingly short amount of time. In fact, the D'TORCH is even more impressive since they came up with it in even less time than we came up with the D'ZNUTS - a feat that is truly remarkable.
On this website, you will see many detailed ways in which we admire Dominican International School, and if you click around you can find out just how much we love and appreciate this school. We hope that you will be convinced to see this school from our perspective - and embrace the D'ZNUTS. Stay savoury Dominicans!
No, seriously, who are you?
This school is killing your mind. They will stop at NOTHING to mold you into their PERFECT, BORING, SUBSERVIENT DIS specimen. We implore each and every one of you: rise up. Reclaim your spaces that the school has so wrongly insinuated itself into! Discard the bureaucracy-choked creativity-killing regulations of the higher-ups! Do those things that ONLY YOU could do!
We created this site as a reflection of this ideology. It is everything DIS strives to dismantle: spontaneous, colorful, chaotic, joyful. This is a call to BE THOSE THINGS THAT DIS WANTS TO DESTROY. Here are just a few examples of what you can do to reflect the D'ZNUTS values:
- Do something weird with your hair!
- Set school computer desktop backgrounds to humorous images of cats!
- Start an impromptu concert in the halls!
- Hang an oversized banner of your friend's face from a balcony!
- And everything else. Let your imagination run wild!
Most importantly, be kind in everything you do!!! Our goal is NOT to hurt people and we strongly condemn those who use this as a cover for their maliciousness. We only wish to make this purgatory of a school a little more fun to be in. Only if we dare to love and be kind can we overcome those that keep us down. To summarize:
We are currently feeling:

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